2024 Presidential Lifetime
Achievement Award


Speakers Magazine

When like-minded women come together anything is possible. As the visionaries of this Anthology, we pulled from our own experiences of building a business to encourage other business owners to share their business-building journey. We did this in hope that it would be an inspiration to others who may be hesitant in starting a business or giving up on their dreams. What makes this book worth reading you may ask? You will have the privilege of witnessing how eleven phenomenal co-authors from different business industries utilized one of the main ingredients to complete the recipe for a successful business NETWORKING!

2020 A Year of Faith:
How these women of faith used their faith to navigate 2020, a year like no other.
2020 was a year like no other. Everyone called on their faith to make it through. These Entrepreneurial Women of Faith share their stories of this unprecedented year.

Win! Fear is not a Factor.
It was created to inspire you to never give up on yourself. You have the ability to Win against all odds and it starts with trusting, believing, and working towards your goals. It is our hope that you will listen to that voice inside of you. Act on that gut feeling and Fearlessly move in Faith.
There are so many that came before you and faced similar challenges and hardships. I would like to remind you that at any age you can succeed. You can be creative, and you can be the next best thing. I want to remind you that you are your only competition. Hoarding knowledge and blocking others will not make you gain more.
Developing partnerships and sisterhoods will create a table large enough for all your sisters to win.

The Lemonade Stand: Book 2
Dr. Wendy Labat receives the prestigious 2024 Presidential Lifetime Achievement Award!
Proper Protection: The Backbone of Financial Security
Meet the Financial Healer with Dr. Wendy Labat
Optimal Financial Health for Single Moms and the Next Generation of Wealth with Dr Wendy Labat, The Financial Healer
Till Debt Tear Us Apart- Financial Healing Insights with Dr Wendy Labat
Tap-in Magazine
Financial Cures with Dr. Wendy Labat
The Erik Allen Show – Ep. 119 – Dr. Wendy Labat
6 Easy Steps to Plan Financially for the unexpected
The Lemonade Stand: Book 2
Take Control Over Your Finances

Financial Cures Series
Are you suffering from anorexic income, overweight expenses, obese debt, or spending addiction? Find the financial vaccine to relieve your financial symptoms and optimize your financial health..